2024春季杂志 女性指导女性


Longtime friends 丹尼斯·杰克逊 ’78 and Teri Bradford Rouse ’77 have launched a new initiative promoting a shared passion: women mentoring women. 这项为期六周的试点项目于今年2月启动, 这是为了支持三月份的妇女历史月. Initially, a few women in the Westmont community will mentor women students in their senior year. As the project gets underway, Teri and Denise hope to expand the number of people participating.

这两个都是校友, 谁也是学校董事会的成员, 作为导师获得了丰富的经验. Denise has spent her career working in human resources and overseeing efforts to develop employees. 她专注于为女性建立自己的职业生涯提供建议. 泰瑞在职业生涯的大部分时间里都在和女大学生打交道. 现在退休了, she has earned certification as a spiritual director and seeks to encourage women to grow in their faith. They’ve each written a curriculum for mentors to follow in a structured program: one for professional development and one for spiritual mentoring. 前者专注于教年轻女性如何打电话, 职场导航, advocating for themselves and planning for the future; the latter provides tools for listening to God, 在ag娱乐官网中成长,为他人服务.

“20岁出头的女性面临着各种各样的挑战, and we want to whet their appetite for seeking out people who can help them navigate life.——丹尼斯·杰克逊,78年

Longtime friends 丹尼斯·杰克逊 ’78 and Teri Bradford Rouse ’77 have launched a new initiative promoting a shared passion: women mentoring women. 这项为期六周的试点项目于今年2月启动, 这是为了支持三月份的妇女历史月. Initially, a few women in the Westmont community will mentor women students in their senior year. As the project gets underway, Teri and Denise hope to expand the number of people participating.

这两个都是校友, 谁也是学校董事会的成员, 作为导师获得了丰富的经验. Denise has spent her career working in human resources and overseeing efforts to develop employees. 她专注于为女性建立自己的职业生涯提供建议. 泰瑞在职业生涯的大部分时间里都在和女大学生打交道. 现在退休了, she has earned certification as a spiritual director and seeks to encourage women to grow in their faith. They’ve each written a curriculum for mentors to follow in a structured program: one for professional development and one for spiritual mentoring. 前者专注于教年轻女性如何打电话, 职场导航, advocating for themselves and planning for the future; the latter provides tools for listening to God, 在ag娱乐官网中成长,为他人服务.

The guidelines encourage mentors to spend 60 to 90 minutes each week with the young women they’re advising, 选择自己的日子和时间. 课程为这些会议提供了足够多的内容, 可以亲自或通过极速发生吗. “Mentors can pick and choose the information that works best for them,丹尼斯说。. “We also want to pair life goals between mentors and mentees to make sure some affinity exists.

“We hope to find Westmont women and those affiliated with the college who have mentored before and can share experiences and perspectives from their lives. 最终, we’ll ask for a longer commitment than six weeks so mentors can help students navigate their college career.”

Teri and Denise held an orientation by Zoom on February 15 to introduce mentors to the curricula and the goals of the program. “20岁出头的女性面临着各种各样的挑战, and we want to whet their appetite for seeking out people who can help them navigate life,丹尼斯说。. “当他们进入劳动力市场时, young women can benefit by learning to work with experienced women — and by understanding how to relate with all their professional colleagues. 在最初的六个星期里,我们希望播种,而不是收获.”

“We’ve been thinking about how to best deploy our skill sets and passions regarding mentoring,泰瑞说。. “Four years ago, we developed some ideas relating to transitions in life and what matters to women. This initial work led to the new curricula for tracks in professional development and spiritual growth. 作为导师,在为高年级女学生提供建议时借鉴了这些材料, 我们将学习什么是有效的,以及如何让它变得更好. We’re excited to see where the program goes and hope it makes an impact and provides a great opportunity for the college and those who get involved. It’s applicable to women in different stages of their lives and not just when they’re graduating from college. 当然, 辅导需要超过6个环节, and we look forward to expanding the initiative after the pilot program ends.”

The guidelines encourage mentors to spend 60 to 90 minutes each week with the young women they’re advising, 选择自己的日子和时间. 课程为这些会议提供了足够多的内容, 可以亲自或通过极速发生吗. “Mentors can pick and choose the information that works best for them,丹尼斯说。. “We also want to pair life goals between mentors and mentees to make sure some affinity exists.

“We hope to find Westmont women and those affiliated with the college who have mentored before and can share experiences and perspectives from their lives. 最终, we’ll ask for a longer commitment than six weeks so mentors can help students navigate their college career.”

Teri and Denise held an orientation by Zoom on February 15 to introduce mentors to the curricula and the goals of the program. “20岁出头的女性面临着各种各样的挑战, and we want to whet their appetite for seeking out people who can help them navigate life,丹尼斯说。. “当他们进入劳动力市场时, young women can benefit by learning to work with experienced women — and by understanding how to relate with all their professional colleagues. 在最初的六个星期里,我们希望播种,而不是收获.”

“We’ve been thinking about how to best deploy our skill sets and passions regarding mentoring,泰瑞说。. “Four years ago, we developed some ideas relating to transitions in life and what matters to women. This initial work led to the new curricula for tracks in professional development and spiritual growth. 作为导师,在为高年级女学生提供建议时借鉴了这些材料, 我们将学习什么是有效的,以及如何让它变得更好. We’re excited to see where the program goes and hope it makes an impact and provides a great opportunity for the college and those who get involved. It’s applicable to women in different stages of their lives and not just when they’re graduating from college. 当然, 辅导需要超过6个环节, and we look forward to expanding the initiative after the pilot program ends.”

“我在美国公司工作了40年,”丹尼斯说. “我回想起我的第一位导师,以及他对我的影响


 我的职业生涯. I’ve learned how important it is to pass on mentoring because it plays a key role in helping women succeed. 我们在工作场所面临着其他女性理解的独特挑战, 我们可以互相支持和鼓励. 我非常支持互联互通,尤其是在女性之间.”

Denise seeks to mentor Westmont students because the college has played such an important role in her life. “我的感情和最亲密的朋友都来自韦斯特蒙, 无论我是在这里认识他们,还是在路上遇到他们,她说。. 三年了, she took a break from her corporate career and served as a resident director at Westmont, 她看重的经历.

She joined Pacific Clinics in 2014 and serves as interim chief human resources officer. 在她的职业生涯中, Denise has worked in human resources management at Career Education Corporation, 摄政照明, 华特迪士尼公司, 以及其他业务.


她曾为加州大学洛杉矶分校的扩展项目教授人力资源课程. 2011 - 2019年, she served as the 校友 Council representative to the Westmont Board of Trustees before becoming a trustee in 2020. She graduated from Westmont with a degree in political science and earned a Master of Public Administration at American University.

Denise’s curriculum in professional development reflects her high standard of excellence and commitment to professional ethics. 她寻求支持变革和创新. As a mentor, she draws on her skills as a communicator, collaborator and problem-solver. “I always seek to establish common ground with diverse groups and points of view,她说。.

随着事业的发展,丹尼斯明白了平衡生活的重要性. “Through some personal challenges, I recreated my life and got my priorities in order,她说。. “我不再用工作来定义自己. 在我的生活中还有其他我想做的事情.”

泰瑞在韦斯特蒙医院当住院主任, 1981年至1998年担任宿舍生活主任和学生副院长. 然后,她在圣巴巴拉非营利ag娱乐官网担任过几个职位, including executive director of the Youth and Family Services Branch of the Channel Islands YMCA. In 2008, she returned to Westmont as senior director of alumni and parent relations and retired in 2019. She graduated from Westmont in 1977 with a major in sociology and earned a master’s degree at USC in counselor education with an emphasis in college student development.

“在Westmont, the soil of my life grew more fertile for intimacy with Christ and thinking deeply about the world and my unique call in it,她说。. “The seeds of learning took root, helping me be a person of conviction while acting with compassion. I began to hold my beliefs in sweet tension with the complexities of the world, 问一些尖锐的问题,把基督的信息带到这个世界. I love finding creative and meaningful ways for people to share resources and talents. The possibilities for these kinds of connections, especially among women, are endless.”

Denise and Teri urge women in the Westmont community with professional or spiritual mentoring experience to sign up as mentors by emailing mentoringinfo@kiaabs.net. 请在邮件主题栏注明“女性导师计划”.

“I hope women will see themselves as mentors and participate in the program,泰瑞说。. “我鼓励他们考虑以这种方式付出自己的时间和才能. 每个人都有自己的贡献.”